Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Media and Education – How Appropriate Is This?! :)

 October 19, 2010
To Whom It May Concern:
I can't make either student consultation meeting for faculty members who are up for review for retention, promotion and/or tenure but I want to thank you for the opportunity to commend excellent teaching, particularly Professor Steven Wexler.
Because my heart is to become a great teacher, I research teachers before I register for a class.   I knew that I wanted Steven Wexler for Major Critical Theories, English 436, but I put off that class until I was out of classes to take, because I knew Professor Wexler required every student to create a blog.  As it turned out Professor Wexler changed what I was so afraid of into one of the most powerful of all my learning experiences at CSUN.
It was wonderful to have classmates’ weekly blog reflections available to inspire or dissuade.  We were teaching!  I was amazed at the extra effort and care that I put into my work because, thanks to Professor Wexler’s blog, scholars doing research on critical theory across the world would have access to my work.
Before Professor Wexler’s class I agreed with Karl Pister, Chancellor Emeritus, University of California at Santa Cruz theory.  He said, “Fish don't notice water and most of society doesn't think about technology.  But technology grows ever more powerful, and blindly accepting or rejecting it grows ever more dangerous.”  However, since Professor Wexler’s class, it is no longer merely a theory.  Besides Major Critical Theories, Professor Wexler helped me understanding that because c technology infuses everything in our world today, every excellent teacher will have to grow with it.

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